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MySQL Create Table SQL

Table Structure: okayapi_crm_messagegroupuser:/tablelist/okayapi_crm_messagegroupuser.html

-- MySQL Table okayapi_crm_messagegroupuser
-- From: OkayAPI.com
CREATE TABLE `okayapi_crm_messagegroupuser` (
    `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `messagegroup_id` int(11) NULL COMMENT '群发短信主键',
    `mobile` varchar(255) NULL COMMENT '手机号',
    `sendstatus` varchar(255) NULL COMMENT '发送状态',
    `createtime` timestamp NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '',
    `updatetime` timestamp NULL COMMENT '',
    `response` text NULL COMMENT '第三方短信接口调用的返回信息',
    `yunpiantemplateid` int(11) NULL COMMENT '云片网短信ID',
    `templatecode` varchar(255) NULL COMMENT '模板的code',
    KEY `messagegroup_id` (`messagegroup_id`),
    KEY `mobile` (`mobile`),
    KEY `sendstatus` (`sendstatus`),
    KEY `createtime` (`createtime`),
    KEY `updatetime` (`updatetime`),
    KEY `response` (`response`),
    KEY `yunpiantemplateid` (`yunpiantemplateid`),
    KEY `templatecode` (`templatecode`),
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB COMMENT 'CRM-群发短信相关用户表';

After replication, you can go to the database to create the database table.

MySQL database table structure design

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