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Table Structure: okayapi_shopxo_s_goods:/tablelist/okayapi_shopxo_s_goods.html

-- MySQL Table okayapi_shopxo_s_goods
-- From: OkayAPI.com
CREATE TABLE `okayapi_shopxo_s_goods` (
    `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `brand_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '品牌id',
    `title` char(60) NOT NULL COMMENT '标题',
    `title_color` char(7) NOT NULL COMMENT '标题颜色',
    `simple_desc` char(160) NOT NULL COMMENT '简述',
    `model` char(30) NOT NULL COMMENT '型号',
    `place_origin` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '产地(地区省id)',
    `inventory` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '库存(所有规格库存总和)',
    `inventory_unit` char(15) NOT NULL COMMENT '库存单位',
    `images` char(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '封面图片',
    `original_price` char(60) NOT NULL COMMENT '原价(单值:10, 区间:10.00-20.00)一般用于展示使用',
    `min_original_price` decimal(10,2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' COMMENT '最低原价',
    `max_original_price` decimal(10,2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' COMMENT '最大原价',
    `price` char(60) NOT NULL COMMENT '销售价格(单值:10, 区间:10.00-20.00)一般用于展示使用',
    `min_price` decimal(10,2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' COMMENT '最低价格',
    `max_price` decimal(10,2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' COMMENT '最高价格',
    `give_integral` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '购买赠送积分',
    `buy_min_number` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '最低起购数量 (默认1)',
    `buy_max_number` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '最大购买数量(最大数值 100000000, 小于等于0或空则不限)',
    `is_deduction_inventory` tinyint(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '是否扣减库存(0否, 1是)',
    `is_shelves` tinyint(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '是否上架(下架后用户不可见, 0否, 1是)',
    `is_home_recommended` tinyint(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '是否首页推荐(0否, 1是)',
    `content_web` mediumtext NOT NULL COMMENT '电脑端详情内容',
    `photo_count` tinyint(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '相册图片数量',
    `sales_count` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '销量',
    `access_count` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '访问次数',
    `video` char(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '短视频',
    `home_recommended_images` char(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '首页推荐图片',
    `is_exist_many_spec` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '是否存在多个规格(0否, 1是)',
    `seo_title` char(100) NOT NULL COMMENT 'SEO标题',
    `seo_keywords` char(130) NOT NULL COMMENT 'SEO关键字',
    `seo_desc` char(230) NOT NULL COMMENT 'SEO描述',
    `is_delete_time` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '是否已删除(0 未删除, 大于0则是删除时间)',
    `upd_time` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '更新时间',
    KEY `brand_id` (`brand_id`),
    KEY `title` (`title`),
    KEY `title_color` (`title_color`),
    KEY `simple_desc` (`simple_desc`),
    KEY `model` (`model`),
    KEY `place_origin` (`place_origin`),
    KEY `inventory` (`inventory`),
    KEY `inventory_unit` (`inventory_unit`),
    KEY `images` (`images`),
    KEY `original_price` (`original_price`),
    KEY `min_original_price` (`min_original_price`),
    KEY `max_original_price` (`max_original_price`),
    KEY `price` (`price`),
    KEY `min_price` (`min_price`),
    KEY `max_price` (`max_price`),
    KEY `give_integral` (`give_integral`),
    KEY `buy_min_number` (`buy_min_number`),
    KEY `buy_max_number` (`buy_max_number`),
    KEY `is_deduction_inventory` (`is_deduction_inventory`),
    KEY `is_shelves` (`is_shelves`),
    KEY `is_home_recommended` (`is_home_recommended`),
    KEY `content_web` (`content_web`),
    KEY `photo_count` (`photo_count`),
    KEY `sales_count` (`sales_count`),
    KEY `access_count` (`access_count`),
    KEY `video` (`video`),
    KEY `home_recommended_images` (`home_recommended_images`),
    KEY `is_exist_many_spec` (`is_exist_many_spec`),
    KEY `seo_title` (`seo_title`),
    KEY `seo_keywords` (`seo_keywords`),
    KEY `seo_desc` (`seo_desc`),
    KEY `is_delete_time` (`is_delete_time`),
    KEY `upd_time` (`upd_time`),
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB COMMENT 'ShopXO商城-商品';

After replication, you can go to the database to create the database table.

MySQL database table structure design

Displaying 1-33 of 33 results.
Field NameField TypeDefaultIS NULLField CommentIndexDemo Data
titlechar(60)标题Normal Index
original_pricechar(60)原价(单值:10, 区间:10.00-20.00)一般用于展示使用
min_original_pricedecimal(10,2) unsigned0.00最低原价0.00
max_original_pricedecimal(10,2) unsigned0.00最大原价0.00
pricechar(60)销售价格(单值:10, 区间:10.00-20.00)一般用于展示使用
min_pricedecimal(10,2) unsigned0.00最低价格0.00
max_pricedecimal(10,2) unsigned0.00最高价格0.00
buy_min_numberint(11)1最低起购数量 (默认1)1
buy_max_numberint(11)0最大购买数量(最大数值 100000000, 小于等于0或空则不限)0
is_deduction_inventorytinyint(2)1是否扣减库存(0否, 1是)1
is_shelvestinyint(2)1是否上架(下架后用户不可见, 0否, 1是)Normal Index1
is_home_recommendedtinyint(2)0是否首页推荐(0否, 1是)0
photo_counttinyint(3)0相册图片数量Normal Index0
access_countint(11)0访问次数Normal Index0
is_exist_many_spectinyint(1)0是否存在多个规格(0否, 1是)0
is_delete_timeint(11)0是否已删除(0 未删除, 大于0则是删除时间)0

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