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MySQL Create Table SQL

Table Structure: okayapi_zheng_ucenter_user:/tablelist/okayapi_zheng_ucenter_user.html

-- MySQL Table okayapi_zheng_ucenter_user
-- From: OkayAPI.com
CREATE TABLE `okayapi_zheng_ucenter_user` (
    `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `okayapi_zheng_ucenter_user_password` varchar(32) NULL COMMENT '密码(MD5(密码+盐))',
    `salt` varchar(32) NULL COMMENT '盐',
    `nickname` varchar(20) NULL COMMENT '昵称',
    `sex` tinyint(4) NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '性别(0:未知,1:男,2:女)',
    `avatar` varchar(100) NULL COMMENT '头像',
    `create_time` timestamp NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '注册时间',
    `create_ip` varchar(50) NULL COMMENT '注册IP地址',
    `last_login_time` timestamp NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' COMMENT '最后登录时间',
    `last_login_ip` varchar(50) NULL COMMENT '最后登录IP地址',
    KEY `okayapi_zheng_ucenter_user_password` (`okayapi_zheng_ucenter_user_password`),
    KEY `salt` (`salt`),
    KEY `nickname` (`nickname`),
    KEY `sex` (`sex`),
    KEY `avatar` (`avatar`),
    KEY `create_time` (`create_time`),
    KEY `create_ip` (`create_ip`),
    KEY `last_login_time` (`last_login_time`),
    KEY `last_login_ip` (`last_login_ip`),
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB COMMENT 'zheng敏捷开发-用户表';

After replication, you can go to the database to create the database table.

MySQL database table structure design

Displaying 1-9 of 9 results.
Field NameField TypeDefaultIS NULLField CommentIndexDemo Data
last_login_timetimestamp0000-00-00 00:00:00最后登录时间0000-00-00 00:00:00

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